29 Dec 2009

=]]...gonna be a new year for every single person on the planet!! unless your no human..xDD...cant wait for a new start..a new beginning..hmm..but its going to be complicated for every1 to do that...nvm..enjoy what you have..or else u'll enjoy nothing..==..that person is gonna be a poor soul..poor poor poor soul..come on year leh..let everything down..o whatever..hmm '2010' ...kinda scared to see this word..nvm..but no as much as that stupid colourful face fucking sasat guy who fucking touch me..with his retarded colourful hand and gave me his retarded bellon thingy..ASS!!!..him~~...i burst it infront of him o..><..huh!! =="..nvm bout that..anywayyy....come on man..A new year leh..must 'forgive and forget'...'forgive and forget' gong..she ask me to do that..well u know..ermm..ehemm!! dint do that part yet..but3!! jesus..hmm..kinda in to him now...uinahhhh~~ A new me lai d leh..kai wan siao..different from last time liao not that fierce liao kind liao..puhh~~ =='''' but ehhhhh..come on la..change alot liao lo here..diu..and she still say only see dao me stop drinking n smoking..thats all..T^T..some more she put '?' at the end...i mean like what was that??? nvm laaa..back to topic..=.=..ermm..maybe im going there gua..haha..maybe not..not fun la there..go there before..boring dao made a damn promise to an old old lady of mine..that silly old lady..still jia jia there..aiyooo~~ x show feelings d..make dao me sad ba liao..==""""...haha..she oso say wanna go there and study..uinahh..people dare to dream you people meh??!!...xDD jkjk..mcm like she really wants to go there and study..some more she ask me will i go with her ont if she go..xDD crazy d bha her..want with an old bum go there..aiyo..sot d bha u...but if she really get that far..i'l be so happy for her..hope she'l get time if she come back..not i yg spend her o..terbalik she yg spend me so soli..over liao me..pai seh..anywayy..happy new year to every1 on the happy no matter saying you if ur seeing this damn blog...and u...ah happy..i dun wanna see you always sad..lao tuh d sei ah po...xDDD hahahahah!! peace out pips!! """""Go get urself laid this new year and find urself a room and a girl...i'll clap for u...yeah!!"""""

p.s 'Tell me if you guys did it' ^^

28 Dec 2009

HiHi...few days dint update liao..pai seh..xD ==

hmmm...nothing happen this few days...kinda boring..aiyoyo..ohya..maybe going overseas next year..maybe..just maybe..xD..aioy..very fan ~~ either that..o KL..aiyo..maybe not going..i fren there say there nice d x neo can meet him ont if im there..aioppppp..going alot of places o next year..xD..jealous lehhh..x la jk..==..n i heard my family saying things that really really makes me dun understand y god gave me this kind of family..nvmmm..aiyo..and i cnt believe she ask me to xcep jesus..hmm..lyk..something different..kinda'll more gf ask me to believe in Christ..nvm..everything has a 1st...but x funi oso serious mah in this..aiyo....haha..think dats all..lazy tpye liao..........................................................................................................................................................................................i love bam bam..................................................................nice

21 Dec 2009

Heeeee...gonna quit my job luu..haha very tired o this it sucks so damn bad..the workers there sucks so bad until..until..until CHU ZHE o!!...kima the those people...haiyo lin c dao si...kima~~nvm..== " >and i dint kinda spend time with her...soriiiii~haha..i quit liao meh can spend more of my time with her lo..especially on Christmas...zhu d..haha..she call me that d..haha..nvm..==...and see her tuu her..even if i dint see her dance before for real..i know shes committed and i wont waste her effort even though she dance like a monkey xDD ..i'l still be her no.1 fan!!! wuhooo~~so i promise her b4..i'l see her perform on Christmas...heee good lehh...=.=..awwww..shes gonna be beautiful on that night..i know it..uisehman..xD...after take autograph from her fan mah~..xD i give her my full support..uinah..==..i know shes tired and her feet kinda hurts after all this...ask her that time say no..see..told u ah lian lai d..xDD..i care her more than u think..heee..dont say i dont care...and i want u to rmb..when ur on stage performing..there's some1 down there watching u dance ur heart out on that nite and give u support lyk no other...some1 will be so proud of u..some1s gonna be very hapi that nite...even if u cant hear o see that sum1...but i'l promise u..he'l be there..hes always there..always will..always has been...dont lose his face..make him proud that worries..ur gonna be awesome!!!

sincerely by

(ur no.1 fan)

shit cnt sign...=.=

9 Dec 2009

NGET SAIIII~STUPD PEOPLE damn fan o those customer talk talk talk dogs o...its like...a group of dogs barking beside your damn ear....worst then dogs o infact...pieces of shits dropping beside your ear...*piak piak piak piak piak* shit kan...damn man.. =="....hiah~~ohya....i change partner liao luu~ haha...shes funny d woh...tiba2 do those weird2 d things give me see....hahaha..she do thos action very funny d..haha...another sopo lai d....she spent me starbuck o when d day i change partner with her....ahahaha...and her fren did a damn hot o she did that tat....she tat her whole leg n the body...nice man dat tat..n her tongue oso she gt pierce d oso thinking of doing my neck n my hand...whole body la if can..x la..that to over liao...xDD...later my bao2 x dare near me o....haha...aiyuuuu~ im oso kinda disappointed n upset of what she said...wah...say dao like im so damn cheap...cheh i tot she will defend more then i tot she will....nvm larrrrrrrr....hope wont be a nx time..nget sai....xDDDD...xpppppp....